This is my very first EVER blog. We'll see how it goes. I can be opinionated as some may know but to get it from my head to the computer doesn't always work. Yes! IT is a PICNIC (Problem In Chair Not In Computer) error, I admit.
I decided after reading a few other blogs today that I would also post my thoughts on the same issue. As some may know, one of the very first things our new President did after the inauguration was to lift a ban that was instated by President Ronald Regan, it was left in place by President George HW Bush, then lifted by President Clinton, then reinstated by President George W. Bush. And now, once again, it has been lifted. Do you see a theme here? With this ban lifted, now the US Government can provide financial assistance to organizations involved in providing abortions in the United States AND in other countries. I have 2 major issues with this.
First, as a friend of mine so accurately stated/questioned, we have businesses going under daily, people losing their jobs, homes, etc. and we are SENDING MONEY OVERSEAS for things such as abortions?! This benefits us HOW? It in no way protects our country from the likes of Bin Laden or other terrorists. It also does not put food in the mouths of people starving in our own country or others for that matter. It does not keep the businesses open and our economy going.
Secondly, from a moral standpoint WHY ARE WE PAYING FOR PEOPLE TO KILL BABIES!? One blog I read mentioned the fact that it is a crime against 2 people to kill a pregnant woman but it is not a crime to commit abortion. Where is the sense in that? It is just emphasizing our country's moral decay. I have friends who have tried for YEARS AND YEARS to get pregnant only to not have the desired results in the end. These aborted babies COULD (ACTUALLY...SHOULD) have been someone's children. Who cares if it will hurt your 'image', cramp your style, make your life inconvenient for a while to be pregnant. You should have thought about that before you chose to engage in those activities. These babies have a right to live and the people that have longingly desired children for many years have a right to raise them in a caring, loving home.
I will step down off of my soap box for now but it is very heart breaking to see where our country is going at this point. Regardless of who we voted for, this particular decision should have NOTHING to do with political affiliation but with what is morally right and wrong. How can someone say God Bless America and damn the unborn children of America at the same time by allowing this to happen?
In the end, we must all remember that we are commanded by God to pray for our President and the rest of our nation's leaders regardless of who we voted for.
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for Kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Snake Handling Baptists twice*
2 days ago
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